This is really interesting. I guess you know about the work of Ian McGilchrist and his theories about left hemispheric over reach. It sounds like this essay is what this looks like in practice, the left consistently extending its control over the right. And our education system explicitly valorises this behaviour. Discipline may be necessary for some situations and to accomplise specific tasks, but when it extends into all areas of life it becomes domination, of ourselves, of others, of the planet.

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Thank you so much for this reply! Yes, I am familiar with his work and I'm so pleased that this post feels like a grounding of the theory into the dailyness of practice. I've also found the work of Philip Shepherd--New Self, New World--interesting in terms of the holistic, enteric mind and the analytical mind as two aspects of being. I wish he hadn't gendered them, but . . . I still find the physiological correlates to so many philosophical concepts really fascinating.

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Powerful and positive- - I wasn't sure at first but, bang on the nail

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Thank you so much for writing and telling me this. It means a lot!

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